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Re: Enterprise rent a car sent me a full cost of repair even after paying SB

Verfasst: Di 15. Jan 2019, 12:22
von mr.X

not yet. still waiting for a reply. the last i heard from them was on 7th Jan when they told me they've forwarded the documents to the relevant department. i've been pondering whether i should call them and ask for an update or just wait some more...


Re: Enterprise rent a car sent me a full cost of repair even after paying SB

Verfasst: Di 15. Jan 2019, 12:47
von Heating

I would call them in order to make some pressure .

I am sure that that you are keen to have this stupid issue solved asap.

Re: Enterprise rent a car sent me a full cost of repair even after paying SB

Verfasst: Di 15. Jan 2019, 16:23
von mr.X
Heating hat geschrieben: Di 15. Jan 2019, 12:47 Hi!

I would call them in order to make some pressure .

I am sure that that you are keen to have this stupid issue solved asap.
ok so i called them. they told me it's still in process. they will now get in touch with the police and get a copy of the case file. they told me at the moment i don't have to do anything but wait. this process might take a month. they didn't give an exact time. said that i'll get a letter this week from them explaining that they are currently verifying the case from the police.

well now i hope it all works out in my favor. will update once i hear something from them.


Re: Enterprise rent a car sent me a full cost of repair even after paying SB

Verfasst: Di 15. Jan 2019, 16:48
von Heating
mr.X hat geschrieben: Di 15. Jan 2019, 16:23

ok so i called them. they told me it's still in process. they will now get in touch with the police and get a copy of the case file. they told me at the moment i don't have to do anything but wait. this process might take a month. they didn't give an exact time. said that i'll get a letter this week from them explaining that they are currently verifying the case from the police.

well now i hope it all works out in my favor. will update once i hear something from them.

Thank you @mr.X for the update. I am confident that the case will result poitively :D ;)

Re: Enterprise rent a car sent me a full cost of repair even after paying SB

Verfasst: Di 15. Jan 2019, 22:41
von Robert
For me it sound positive. Lets see :)

Re: Enterprise rent a car sent me a full cost of repair even after paying SB

Verfasst: Mi 16. Jan 2019, 12:23
von Ruhrpott85
Ich habe das Thema jetzt auch durchgelesen und bin der Meinung, dass nachdem @mr.X die Sache der Polizei gemeldet hat, er zu 100 % im Recht ist. Wenn Enterprise so mit seinen Kunden umgeht, werde ich jedenfalls bei Enterprise kein Fahrzeug mehr mieten. :evil:

Re: Enterprise rent a car sent me a full cost of repair even after paying SB

Verfasst: Mo 21. Jan 2019, 11:36
von mr.X
Hi Everyone,

i got an email reply from the Enterprise today. It doesn't look good. they want me to pay in full since i informed the police two days late. I am now consulting with a lawyer and hope this situation can be resolved through the legal process.

This was the reply i got:

Sehr geehrter Herr X,
vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht und die Übersendung des Polizeiberichts.
Bevor der Schadenfall an Sie abgerechnet wurde, hatten wir bereits Gelegenheit die polizeiliche Ermittlungsakte einzusehen. Sowohl aus dieser, als auch dem von Ihnen übersandten Bericht geht hervor, dass Sie den Unfall erst zwei Tage später bei der Polizei anzeigten.
Dies entspricht jedoch nicht den Vorgaben in unseren Mietbedingungen, wonach Sie verpflichtet sind zu jedem Unfall sofort die Polizei hinzuzuziehen. Eine Anzeige erst mehrere Tage danach reicht daher nicht aus, um Ihrer Mieterpflicht nachzukommen.
Aus diesem Grund liegt ein Verstoß gegen unsere Mietbedingungen vor und Sie haften dementsprechend für den gesamten Schaden.
Wir bleiben daher auf unserer Forderung bestehen und bitten um Regulierung des offenen Betrags von 2740.61 € bis spätestens 04.02.2019.
Bei weiteren Fragen können Sie sich gerne unter an uns wenden.
Freundliche Grüße


Re: Enterprise rent a car sent me a full cost of repair even after paying SB

Verfasst: Mo 21. Jan 2019, 11:47
von Heating
Die spinnen doch. In jedem Falle jetzt mal einen Rechtsanwalt einschalten!

Re: Enterprise rent a car sent me a full cost of repair even after paying SB

Verfasst: Mo 21. Jan 2019, 11:51
von 12ender
Du hast @mr.X ja nicht mal eine Reparaturrechnung erhalten, sondern nur eine unqualifizierte Kostenschätzung. Da kann dir jeder Anwalt helfen. :D

Re: Enterprise rent a car sent me a full cost of repair even after paying SB

Verfasst: Mo 21. Jan 2019, 12:11
von Robert
Don't pay it. -- > Lawyer
Alternative: ask for a repair bill. based on these piece of papers they send you i would never pay anything here.